Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2021

Referências de artigos científicos da Sahaja Yoga

Meditation Research – Sahaja Yoga Research

Obs.: Este site contém resumos de artigos científicos aplicados a vários tipos de doenças usando a técnica de meditação Sahaja Yoga.

Tese de doutorado do Dr. Manocha

Referências de trabalhos científicos usando a meditação Sahaja

1)      Katya Rubia: The Neurobiology of Meditation and its clinical effectiveness in psychiatric disorders. Biological Psychology (2009), vol. 82, 1-11

2)      R. Manocha, G.B. Marks, P. Kennhington, D. Peters, C.M. Salome: Sahaja yoga in the management of moderate to severe asthma: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax (2002), vol. 57, no 2, 110-115

Nota de esclarecimento (R. Manocha, Sahaja Yoga in Asthma. Thorax (2003), vol. 58, 825-826.

3)      Nandan Yardi: Yoga for control of epilepsy. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy (2001): vol. 10, no 1, 7-12.

4)      Linda J. Harrison, Ramesh Manocha, Katya Rubia: Sahaja Yoga Meditation as a Family Treatment Programme for Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry (2004), vol. 9, no 4, 479-497.

5)      L.I. Aftanas, S.A. Golocheikine: Non-linear dynamic complexity of the human EEG during meditation. Neuroscience Letters (2002), vol. 330, 143-146.

6)      L.I. Aftanas, S.A. Golocheikine: Human anterior and frontal midline theta and lower alpha reflect emotionally positive state and internalized attention: high-resolution EEG investigation of meditation.  Neuroscience Letters(2001), vol. 310, no 1, 57-60.

7)      V. K. Sharma, S. Das, S. Mondal, U. Goswami, A. Gandhi: Effect Of Sahaj Yoga On Neuro-Cognitive Functions In Patients Suffering From Major Depression. Indian J. Physiol. Pharmacol. (2006), vol. 50, no 4, 375–383.

8)      U. Panjwani, W. Selvamurthy, S. H. Singh, H. L. Gupta, S. Mukhopadhyay, L. Thakur: Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEP) and Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) in Epileptics. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (2000), Vol. 25, No. 1, 1-12.

9)      Rajeev Choudhary.  Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on the Nutritional Assessment of University Students. International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering (2011), Vol. 05, No. 02, 77-84.

10)  Kenan Yalta, Nasir Sivri, Ertan Yetkin Sahaja yoga: A unique adjunctive approach for the management of cardiac arrhythmias? Int. J. Cardiol. (2011), vol.152, no 1, 99-100.

11)  Ramesh Manocha, Barbara Semmar, Deborah Black: A Pilot Study of a Mental Silence Form of Meditation for Women in Perimenopause. J. Clin. Psychol. Med. Settings (2007), vol. 14, 266–273

12)   R. Manocha, D. Black, J. Sarris, C. Stough: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Meditation for Work Stress, Anxiety and Depressed Mood in Full-Time Workers Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2011), 1-8, doi:10.1155/2011/960583

13)   Ramesh Manocha, Deborah Black, David Spiro, Jake Ryan, Con Stough: Changing Definitions of Meditation- Is there a Physiological Corollary? Skin temperature changes of a mental silence orientated form of meditation compared to rest. J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci. (2010), Vol. 28, n 1, 23-31.

14)   Ramesh Manocha. Why Meditation. Australian Family Physician (2000), Vol. 29, no 12,  1135-1138

15)   Ramesh Manocha. Researching meditation: clinical applications in healthcare. Diversity Magazine (2001), vol. 2, n 5, 2-10

16)   Ramesh Manocha. Meditation, mindfulness and mind-emptiness. Acta Neuropsychiatrica (2011), vol. 23, 46–47

17)  A. Morgan. Sahaja Yoga: An ancient path to modern mental health? Transpersonal Psychology. Transpersonal Psychology Review (2001), vol.  4, 41-49.

18) Hernández, S.E., Suero, J., Barros, A., González-Mora, J.L., Rubia, K. Increased grey matter associated with long-Term Sahaja yoga meditation: A voxel-based morphometry study. PLoS ONE  (2016), vol. 11(3), e0150757

19) Pavlov, S.V., Reva, N.V., Loktev, K.V., Korenyok, V.V., Aftanas, L.I. Impact of long-term meditation practice on cardiovascular reactivity during perception and reappraisal of affective images. International Journal of Psychophysiology (2015),  vol. 95(3), pp. 363-371

20) Reva, N.V., Pavlov, S.V., Loktev, K.V., Korenyok, V.V., Aftanas, L.I. (2014) Influence of long-term Sahaja Yoga meditation practice on emotional processing in the brain: An ERP study. Neuroscience Vol. 281, pp. 195-201

21) Monica Yunati, Vijaykumar Deshpande, Anita Yuwanate. Dynamics of Heart Rate Induced by Sahaja Yoga Meditation in healthy normal subjects above 40 years. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. (2014), vol. 4(1), pp. 80-85

22) Ramesh Manocha, Deborah Black, and Leigh Wilson. Quality of Life and Functional Health Status of Long-Term Meditators. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2012), vol. 2012 Article ID 350674, 9 pages

23) Hernández Sergio E., Suero José, Rubia Katya, and González-Mora José L. Monitoring the Neural Activity of the State of Mental Silence While Practicing Sahaja Yoga Meditation. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (2015), vol. 21(3): 175-179.

24) Sheng-Chia Chung, Maria M. Brooks, Madhur Rai, Judith L. Balk, and Sandeep Rai. Effect of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on Quality of Life, Anxiety, and Blood Pressure Control. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (2012), vol. 18(6): 589-596.

25) U. Panjwani, H. Gupta, S.H. Singh, W. Selvamurthy, U.C. Rai.: Effect of Sahaja Yoga practice on stress management in patients of epilepsy. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (1995), vol. 39, 111-116.

26) Sara W. Lazar, George Bush, Randy L. Gollub, Gregory L. Fricchione, Gurucharan Khalsa, Herbert Benson. Functional brain mapping of the relaxation response and meditation. Neuroreport (2000), vol. 11, no 7, 1581-1585.

27) Alessandra Dodich, Maurizio Zollo, Chiara Crespi, Stefano F. Cappa, Daniella L. Martinez, Andrea Falini, Nicola Canessa.  Short‐term Sahaja Yoga meditation training modulates brain structure and spontaneous activity in the executive control network. Brain and behavior. 9 (2019), e01159

28) Sergio E. Hernández, Alfonso Barros-Lascertales, Yaqiong Xiao, José L. González-Mora, Katya Rubia. Gray Matter and Functional Connectivity in Anterior Cingulate Cortex are Associated with the State of Mental Silence During Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Neuroscience. 371 (2018) 395-406.

29) Tom Hendriks. The effects of Sahaja Yoga meditation on mental health: a systematic review. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. (2018) 20160163.

30) Monica S. Yunati, Vijaykumar Deshpande, Anita H. Yuwanate, Smita R. Sorte, Shyan S. Sirsam. Sahaja yoga meditation as a tool to enhance aging pulmonary functions. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 7 (2017) 333-338.